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我们研究了随机向量$ {\ boldsymbol x} $ in $ \ mathbb r ^ d $的密度估计问题,概率密度$ f(\ boldsymbol x)$。对于Vertex Set $ \ {1,\ dots,d \} $上定义的生成树$ t $,树密度$ f_ {t} $是一款双变量条件密度的产品。最佳的生成树$ t ^ * $是生成树$ t $,其中klullback-leibler $ f $和$ f_ {t} $的次数是最小的。来自I.I.D.我们识别最佳树$ t ^ * $,并计算有效地构建树密度估计$ f_n $,使得没有任何规律性条件的密度$ f $,其中一个$ \ lim_ {n \ to \ indty} \int | f_n(\ boldsymbol x)-f_ {t ^ *}(\ boldsymbol x)| d \ boldsymbol x = 0 $ as对于LipsChitz连续$ F $与有界支持,$ \ mathbb e \ {\ int | f_n(\ boldsymbol x)-f_ {t ^ *}(\ boldsymbol x)| d \ boldsymbol x \} = o(n ^ {-1/4})$。
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Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are increasingly used as components of larger software systems that need to process complex data, such as images, written texts, audio/video signals. DNN predictions cannot be assumed to be always correct for several reasons, among which the huge input space that is dealt with, the ambiguity of some inputs data, as well as the intrinsic properties of learning algorithms, which can provide only statistical warranties. Hence, developers have to cope with some residual error probability. An architectural pattern commonly adopted to manage failure-prone components is the supervisor, an additional component that can estimate the reliability of the predictions made by untrusted (e.g., DNN) components and can activate an automated healing procedure when these are likely to fail, ensuring that the Deep Learning based System (DLS) does not cause damages, despite its main functionality being suspended. In this paper, we consider DLS that implement a supervisor by means of uncertainty estimation. After overviewing the main approaches to uncertainty estimation and discussing their pros and cons, we motivate the need for a specific empirical assessment method that can deal with the experimental setting in which supervisors are used, where the accuracy of the DNN matters only as long as the supervisor lets the DLS continue to operate. Then we present a large empirical study conducted to compare the alternative approaches to uncertainty estimation. We distilled a set of guidelines for developers that are useful to incorporate a supervisor based on uncertainty monitoring into a DLS.
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Different types of mental rotation tests have been used extensively in psychology to understand human visual reasoning and perception. Understanding what an object or visual scene would look like from another viewpoint is a challenging problem that is made even harder if it must be performed from a single image. We explore a controlled setting whereby questions are posed about the properties of a scene if that scene was observed from another viewpoint. To do this we have created a new version of the CLEVR dataset that we call CLEVR Mental Rotation Tests (CLEVR-MRT). Using CLEVR-MRT we examine standard methods, show how they fall short, then explore novel neural architectures that involve inferring volumetric representations of a scene. These volumes can be manipulated via camera-conditioned transformations to answer the question. We examine the efficacy of different model variants through rigorous ablations and demonstrate the efficacy of volumetric representations.
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Micron-scale robots (ubots) have recently shown great promise for emerging medical applications, and accurate control of ubots is a critical next step to deploying them in real systems. In this work, we develop the idea of a nonlinear mismatch controller to compensate for the mismatch between the disturbed unicycle model of a rolling ubot and trajectory data collected during an experiment. We exploit the differential flatness property of the rolling ubot model to generate a mapping from the desired state trajectory to nominal control actions. Due to model mismatch and parameter estimation error, the nominal control actions will not exactly reproduce the desired state trajectory. We employ a Gaussian Process (GP) to learn the model mismatch as a function of the desired control actions, and correct the nominal control actions using a least-squares optimization. We demonstrate the performance of our online learning algorithm in simulation, where we show that the model mismatch makes some desired states unreachable. Finally, we validate our approach in an experiment and show that the error metrics are reduced by up to 40%.
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Following the outbreak of a global pandemic, online content is filled with hate speech. Donald Trump's ''Chinese Virus'' tweet shifted the blame for the spread of the Covid-19 virus to China and the Chinese people, which triggered a new round of anti-China hate both online and offline. This research intends to examine China-related hate speech on Twitter during the two years following the burst of the pandemic (2020 and 2021). Through Twitter's API, in total 2,172,333 tweets hashtagged #china posted during the time were collected. By employing multiple state-of-the-art pretrained language models for hate speech detection, we identify a wide range of hate of various types, resulting in an automatically labeled anti-China hate speech dataset. We identify a hateful rate in #china tweets of 2.5% in 2020 and 1.9% in 2021. This is well above the average rate of online hate speech on Twitter at 0.6% identified in Gao et al., 2017. We further analyzed the longitudinal development of #china tweets and those identified as hateful in 2020 and 2021 through visualizing the daily number and hate rate over the two years. Our keyword analysis of hate speech in #china tweets reveals the most frequently mentioned terms in the hateful #china tweets, which can be used for further social science studies.
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Geospatial Information Systems are used by researchers and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HADR) practitioners to support a wide variety of important applications. However, collaboration between these actors is difficult due to the heterogeneous nature of geospatial data modalities (e.g., multi-spectral images of various resolutions, timeseries, weather data) and diversity of tasks (e.g., regression of human activity indicators or detecting forest fires). In this work, we present a roadmap towards the construction of a general-purpose neural architecture (GPNA) with a geospatial inductive bias, pre-trained on large amounts of unlabelled earth observation data in a self-supervised manner. We envision how such a model may facilitate cooperation between members of the community. We show preliminary results on the first step of the roadmap, where we instantiate an architecture that can process a wide variety of geospatial data modalities and demonstrate that it can achieve competitive performance with domain-specific architectures on tasks relating to the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals.
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在本文中,我们将预处理技术应用于具有不同长度的多通道时间序列数据,我们称之为对齐问题,用于下游机器学习。多种原因可能发生多种渠道时间序列数据的未对准,原因有多种原因,例如丢失的数据,变化的采样率或不一致的收集时间。我们考虑从MIT SuperCloud高性能计算(HPC)中心收集的多渠道时间序列数据,其中不同的工作开始时间和HPC作业的运行时间不同,导致数据不对准。这种未对准使得为计算工作负载分类等任务构建AI/ML方法具有挑战性。在先前使用MIT SuperCloud数据集的监督分类工作的基础上,我们通过三种宽阔的低间接空间方法解决了对齐问题:从全职系列中抽样固定子集,在全职系列上执行摘要统计信息,并对系数进行取样。从映射到频域的时间序列。我们最佳性能模型的分类精度大于95%,以先前的方法对MIT SuperCloud数据集的多通道时间序列分类的表现优于5%。这些结果表明,我们的低间接费用方法与标准机器学习技术结合使用,能够达到高水平的分类准确性,并作为解决对齐问题(例如内核方法)的未来方法的基准。
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